Search Engine Submission - AddMe
[Route Map]

Starting from Coal Harbor in Quatsino Sound, we paddled along the west coast and crossed the Straight of Juan de Fuca to Port Angeles.

Erik's Journal
Day 1 Coal Harbor - Quatsiono Narrows - Resteles Bight
Day 2 Kwakiutl Pt. - Klaskino Inlet - Orchard Pt.
Day 3 Cape Cook - Solander island - Amos Creek - Cuttle Islands
Day 4 Bunsby Islands - Kyuquot Sound - Thornton Island
Day 5 Grassy Islands - Tatchu Pt. - Catala Island
Day 6 Nuchatlitz Inlet - Ferrer Pt. - Calvin Creek - Beano Creek
Day 7 Maquianna Pt. - Friendly Coce - Nootka Sound - Escalante River
Day 8 Cape Estevan - Hesquiat - Hot Springs Cove - Flores Island
Day 9 Rafael Pt. - Cow Bay - Bartlett Is. - Vargas Island
Day 10 Long Beach - Wickaninnish Inn - Florencia Island
Day 11 Ucluelet - Barkley Sound
Day 12 Imperial Eagle Channel - Cape Beale - Pachena Bay
Day 13 Pachena Point - Nitinat River
Day 14 Carmanah Point - Port San Juan - Sombrio Beach
Day 15 Sooke bay - Possession Point
Day 16 Beechey Head - Staight of Juan de Fuca - Port Angeles