Kings of Navarre
Little is known of the earliest history of the country, but it is certain that neither the Romans
nor the Visigoths nor the Arabs ever succeeded in permanently subjugating the inhabitants of the Western
Pyrenees, who had always retained their own language. The capture of Pamplona by Charlemagne in 778 was
not a lasting victory: in the same year the Basques and Navarrese defeated him at the Pass of
Roncesvalles. In 806 and 812, Pamplona seems to have been again taken by the Franks. When, however, the
Frankish emperors, on account of difficulties at home, were no longer able to give their attention to
the outlying borderlands of their empire, the country, little by little, entirely withdrew from their
allegiance, and about this time began the formation of a dynasty which soon became very powerful.
Sancho II Garcés Abarca was king of Navarre and count of Aragon from 970 to 994. During this period
the kingdoms of Leon and Navarre and the County of Castile were united by familial bonds; the Navarrese
monarchy supported the young Ramiro II of Leon. ...
Map of Navarre |
 King Enrique's coat-of-arms |
- A1 = Loupe II, Duke of Aquitaine;
==> Merovingians
- B1 = Lupe Sancho, m. Toda of Aragon;
- C1 = Sancho Garcia of Navarre;
- D1 = Jimeno Sanchez of Navarre;
- E1 = Garcia Jimenez of Navarre;
- F1 = Jimeno Garcia of Navarre;
- G1 = Garcia II, King of Pamplona, lvd:860/884, m. Oneca Rebelle de Sanguesa;
- H1 = King Sancho I Garcés of Navarre, lvd:905/925, m. Toda of Larraun;
- I1 = King García III Sanchez of Navarre, lvd:919/970, m. Adregoto, Countess of Aragon;
- J1 = King Sancho II of Navarre, lvd:970/994, m. Urraca of Castile;
- K1 = King Garcia IV "the Tremulous" of Navarre, lvd:964/999, m. Jimena Fernandez;
- L1 = King Sancho III "the Great", lvd:1004/1035, m. Munia Mayor;
- M1 = King Fernando I of Castile and Leon, d:1065, m. Sancha of Leon;
- N1 = King Alfonso VI "the Brave" of Castile, d:1109, m. Constance of Burgundy;
==> Kings of Portugal
- O1 = Queen Uracca of Castile and Leon, d:1126, m. Count Raimond de Bourgogne;
<== House of Trastamara
- O2 = Elvira Alfonsez of Castile and Leon, lvd:1097/1136, m. King Roger II of Sicily;
<== House of Hauteville
- M2 = King Ramiro I of Aragon, d:1054, m. Gisberga of Bigorre;
- N1 = King Sancho I of Aragon & Navarre, lvd:1063/1094, m. Isabel of Urgel;
- O1 = King Ramiro II of Aragon & Navarre, lvd:1134/1136, m. Agnes of Poitiers;
==> House of Poitou
- P = Queen Petronille of Aragon, lvd:1135/1175, m. count Ramon Berenguer IV;
<== Kings of Aragon
- M3 = King Garcia V "el de Najera" of Navarre, d:1054, m. Estefania de Foix;
- N1 = Sn Sancho Garces de Uncastillo y Sanguesa, m. Andregoto;
- O1 = Sn Ramiro Sanchez de Monzon, d:1116, m. Cristina;
- P1 = King Garcia VI "el Restaurador" of Navarre, d:1150, m. Marguerite de'Aigle;
- Q1 = King Sancho VI "el Sabio" of Navarre, d:1194, m. Sancha of Castile;
- R1 = Princess Blanche, regent of Navarre, d:1229, m. Count Thibaut III de Champagne;
<== Counts of Champagne