Burgundian Dukes and Kings of Portugal
At the end of the 11th century a knight from Burgundy named Henry became count of Portugal. Henry was
a strong supporter of independence. Under his leadership, the County of Portucale and the County of
Coimbra merged. Henry declared independence for Portugal while a civil war raged between Leon and
Portugal traces its national origin to 24 June 1128 with the Battle of São Mamede. Afonso proclaimed
himself first as Prince of Portugal and in 1139 as the first King of Portugal. On October 5, 1143, with
the assistance of a representative of the Holy See at the conference of Zamora, Portugal was formally
recognized as independent 2. Afonso, aided by the Templar Knights, continue to conquer southern lands to
the moors. In 1250, the Portuguese Reconquista came to an end, as the Algarve was finally reconquered
from the Moors. Since then, the border with the kingdoms that would be Spain has remained almost
unchanged . ...
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- A1 = Robert I 'the Old', Duke de Bourgogne, lvd:1011/1076,
m1. Helie de Semur, m2. Ermengarde d'Anjou;
==> House of Anjou
- B1 = [m2]: Audearde de Bourgogne, m. Count Guillaume VIII of Poitou;
<== House of Poitou
- B2 = [m1]: Constanze de Bourgogne, lvd:1046/1096, m. King Alfonso VI of Castile;
<== Kings of Navarre
- B3 = [m1]: Henri de Bourgogne, lvd:1035/1065, m. Sibylle of Barcelona;
==> House of Aragon
- C1 = Eudes I Borel, Duke de Bourgogne, d:1103, m. Sibylle de Bourgogne;
- D1 ~ Aliss "Ela Borel" de Bourgogne, lvd:1080/1142, m. William Talvas;
<== Clan Montgomery
- D2 = Hugues II Borel, Duke of Burgundy, lvd:1084/1143, m. Matilda de Mayenne;
- E1 = Eudes II, Duke of Burgundy, lvd:1118/1162, m. Maria de Blois;
==> Counts of Blois
- F1 = Hugues III, Duke of Burgundy, lvd:1148/1192, m1. Beatrix d'Albon,
==> House of Aleramici
m2. Adelheid de Lorraine;
- G1 = [m1]: Marguerite de Bourgogne, lvd:1192/1243, m. Count Amadeo IV;
<== Counts of Savoy
- G2 = [m2]: Eudes III, Duke of Burgundy, lvd:1166/1218, m. Alix de Vergy;
- H1 = Hugues IV, Duke of Burgundy, King of Thessalonika, lvd:1212/1272, m. Yolande de Dreux;
- I1 = Adelaide de Bourgogne, d:1273, m. Duke Henri III de Brabant;
<== Dukes of Brabant
- C2 = Henri de Bourgogne, Count of Portugal, lvd:1066/1112, m. Teresa de Castile;
- D1 = King Afonso I 'the Conqueror', lvd:1110/1185, m. Mafalda of Savoy;
==> House of Savoy
- E1 = King Sancho I Martino 'the Popular', lvd:1154/1212, m. Dulcia of Barcelona;
==> House of Aragon
- F1 = Berengaria, m. King Waldemar II of Denmark;
==> Kings of Denmark
- F2 = King Afonso II 'the Fat', lvd:1185/1223, m. Urraca de Castile;
- G1 = King Afonso III, lvd:1210/1279, m. Beatrix Alfonso;
==> House of Castile
- H1 = King Diniz I 'the Just', lvd:1261/1325, m. Isabel 'the Saint' of Aragon;
==> House of Aragon
- I1 = Costanca, lvd:1290/1313, m. King Fernando IV of Castile and Leon;
<== House of Castile
- I2 -- King Affonso IV 'the Bold', lvd:1291/1357, m. Beatrix of Castile;
- J1 -- King Pedro I 'the Cruel', lvd:1320/1367, m. Constanza;
==> House of Castile
- K1 -- Brites de Borgonha, d:1381, m. Sancho Alfonsez de Albuquerque;
<== House of Castile