House of Hauteville
From their settlements in Normandy the adventurous Normans embarked on several major expansionary
campaigns in Europe. The most important of these was the invasion of England in 1066 by William, duke
of Normandy, who became king of England. Early in the 11th century, Norman adventurers also began a
somewhat more prolonged and haphazard migration to southern Italy and Sicily, where they served the
local nobility as mercenaries fighting the Arabs and the Byzantines. As more Normans arrived they carved
out small principalities for themselves from their former employers. Among the most remarkable of these
Norman adventurers were the sons of Tancred de Hauteville, who established their rule over the southern
Italian regions of Calabria and Puglia (Apulia) in the 1050s and over Sicily in the following decades.
Their possessions were amalgamated by Roger II, a grandson of Tancred, in the early 12th century as the
kingdom of Sicily, whose rulers retained a basically Norman character until the last decades of that
century. .....
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Roger II de Hauteville, King of Sicily
- A1 = Tancred de Hauteville, d:1041, m1 = Muriella, m2. Fressenda;
==> Normans
- B1 .. [m1]: Guillaume "Iron-Arm" de Hauteville, Count of Apulia, d:1046;
- B2 .. [m1]: Drogo de Hauteville, Count of Apulia, d:1051;
- B3 .. [m1]: Humphrey de Hauteville, Count of Apulia, d:1057;
- B4 = [m2]: Robert "Guiscard" de Hauteville, Duke of Apulia & Calabria, d:1085, m1 = Alberada, m2. Sikelgaita of Salerno;
- C1 = [m1]: Bohemond I Guiscard, Duke of Apulia & Antioch, d:1111, m. Princess Constance of France;
==> Capetian Dynasty
- D1 = Bohemond II Guiscard, Duke of Antioch, lvd:1107/1131, m. Alix de Rethel;
==> House of Rethel
- C2 .. [m2]: Roger Borsa, Duke of Apulia, m. Alaine of Flanders;
- C3 = [m2]: Mahalta of Apulia, m. count Ramon Berenguer II;
<== Kings of Aragon
- B5 = [m2]: Roger I de Hauteville, Count of Sicily, lvd:1031/1101, m1 = Erembourge de Mortain, m2. Adelaide of Savona;
- C1 .. [m1]: Felicia, m. King Kolomon (Kálmán) of Hungary;
- C2 = [m2]: Matilda de Hauteville, m. Count Guiges III d'Albon;
- D1 = Matilda d'Albon, m. Count Amadeo III of Savoy;
<== House of Savoy
- C3 = [m2]: Roger II de Hauteville, King of Sicily, lvd:1094/1155, m1. Elvira Alfonsez,
==> Navarre
m2. Beatrix de Rethel;
==> House of Rethel
- D1 ~ [m1]: Roger de Hauteville, Duke of Apulia, lvd:1123/1148, p. Emma di Lecco;
- E1 ~ Tancred de Hauteville, King if Sicily, lvd:1147/1194, m. Sibilla d'Aquino;
==> d'Aquino family
- F1 ~ Elvira d’Altavilla, Contessa di Lecce, m. Giacomo Sanseverino;
<== Sanseverino
- D2 = [m2]: Constance, Queen of Sicily, lvd:1154/1198, m. King Henry VI of Germany;
<== Hohenstaufen Dynasty