"I hear it in the deep heart's core." W.B. Yeats
Helpful Links
We hope these links will whet your appetite for your Celtic Heart Tours West Less
Traveled trip to Ireland.
- We will meet up in Bunratty and get a look at what it was like to live in Ireland
200 years ago or more.
- Our first day includes lunch and a private guided tour of Adare Manor, built by the
somewhat eccentric Lord Dunraven in the mid 1800s.
- You've never seen a place like this. Skellig Michael is unique in the world, and a
World Heritage site. It's day two (or three) on our itinerary.
- The remote and unspoilt Beara Peninsula is a prime destination of the West Less
Traveled tours.
- Beara Historical Society chairman Connie Murphy will take us on an exclusive tour
of some of the amazing historic and prehistoric sites on the Beara.
Read about them here. The "stones" link on the page is fascinating.
- Along the coast between the Beara and Cork sits the beautiful Bantry House.
- The coastal village of Kinsale has become a foodie's haven, renowned for its feast
of great places to eat. We'll stop there for lunch on the way to Cork City. Yum!
- Cork City was named by Lonely Planet as one of the best places to travel in 2010.
We'll find out why.
Other helpful links