


Dear Friends,

If you have found this web site—welcome.  Perhaps you are a friend who wants to know more, or perhaps you are a parent who just found out your child has lissencephaly.  It is overwhelming to comprehend a diagnosis of this kind.  But you will move through it and learn to appreciate your beautiful child---now you just know more about them as people. We can tell that there are resources for parents, to gather your friends & family close, and enjoy all the moments with your child you will be given. Try not to linger too long in lost dreams because there are happy & joyful times to come and cherish.

We won’t go into all the medical details of Wyatt’s lissencephaly or his journey. His story is typical of many of the children you will read about on other sites. I hope though that you will be encouraged by our love and find some great resources to help you on your own journey. One of our nurses said to us early on---“this is a marathon, not a sprint.” We remembered those words often.

We have learned many lessons that we get to practice everyday thanks to Wyatt. Some we do gracefully, some with struggle. Wyatt was and is an amazing teacher—we miss him deeply each day.

Where there is great love there are always Miracles---Willa Cather

~ Jenell & Shannon moms to Angel Wyatt

Special Thanks to our wonderful hospital team that helped us with meals, coffee, errands, reading & knitting material, and most of all friendship: Peter, Carrie, Connie, Jeff, Rose, Kelly, Teresa, Jan & Kerry and Sue. You each made a huge difference! Thanks to Julie, Dave, and Al for taking care of the house when we were gone.

We are grateful to our friend Frank of PALMATEC Solutions for hosting Wyatt’s web site.

And deep appreciation for the special song written for Wyatt from Songs of Love Foundation. They created an amazing little song for Wyatt! (Wyatt, Wyatt we love Wyatt…)

Special thank you to Children’s Hospital in Seattle and specifically the neurology department.

Where there is great love there are always Miracles  --- Willa Cather

Jenell & Shannon & Wyatt (12/22/01)


Please feel free to email us with any questions or comments.  We would love to hear from other parents.  If you have any links you would like to share please do.





Lessons we have learned from our son:

1.     Let go, if necessary you can let go of more than you ever thought you could.

2.     Each day is a new and different day.

3.     There are always gifts being offered. Count your blessings daily.

4.     Everyone deals with things differently. There is no "one" way to cope.

7.     There is unconditional love, just look into your child’s eyes.

8.     Pray.

9.     Accept what is.   Live in Now.

10.     Take good care of yourself so you can take care of others.

11. Laugh as often as you get the chance!