Eperjes was a small city in northern Hungary, in Sáros megye, south of the
Polish border. It was founded by King Béla in 1132, when - according to the legends - he passed through the
area and seeing lot's of strawberries (eper), he decided to name it Eperjes. In 1347 it was elevated
to the rank of a royal free town (szabad királyi város) by King Louis the Great (Nagy Lajos) and a
protective wall was built to make it more defensible.
Eperjessy Family
The Eperjessy (or Eperjesy, Eperjesi) family name is equivalent to "of Eperjes" in English, "de
Eperjes" in Latin, or "von Eperjes" in German. The use of family names, as we know it, did not start
until around the 15th century. Instead, a person of nobility was identified by his father's name and
the location of the family estate as, for example, "Alexander, filii Stephanus de Eperjes" in Latin,
which is translated into Hungarian today as "Eperjesi István fia Sándor", or into English as "Alexander,
son of Stephan of Eperjes". However, in the old days, the spelling of Hungarian words was quite
different and Eperjesi could also be spelled as Eperjessy. This was typical of many old family names,
such az Pálffy, Bánffy, Máriássy, etc.
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Eperjesy Photo Album |
Sándor Eperjessy and Róza Stőhr
- A1
Eperjessy István, lvd:1660, m: Szabó Zsuzsanna;
- B1
Eperjessy Imre, lvd:1708, m: daughter of Póka György;
- C1
Eperjessy Pál, lvd:1724/1737, m: Polányi Mária;
==> Polányi family
- D1
Eperjessy Sámuel, b:1734, m: Bosnyák Katalin;
==> Bosnyák family
- E1
Eperjessy Gábor, b: ca.1764, m: sümegi Bene Borbála;
==> Bene family
- F1
Eperjessy Juliana, b:1804, m: Zichy Sándor;
- G1
Zichy Mihály, b:1827, painter/festőmüvész;
- F2
Eperjessy István, b:1807, m: Krascsenits Zsófia;
- G1
Eperjessy Sándor, ügyvéd, hadnagy, b:1831, d:1906, m1: Tormay Mária, m2: Stöhr Róza;
==> Stöhr family
- H1
[m1] Dezső, b:1857, Délivasuti főmérnök, m: Bundalla Papp Tekla;
- H2
[m1] Béla, b:1861, kúriai bíró, m: Szücs Adrien;
- H3
[m2] Gizella, b:1865, m: Dr. Bentzik Ferencz;
- H4
[m2] Géza, b:1867, huszárezredes, m: báró Wense Alice;
- H5
[m2] Gábor, b:1870, Délzalai Takarékpénztár főpénztárosa;
- H6
[m2] Jolán, b:1872, m1: Dr. Hauser János, m2: Stocker Antal;
- H7
[m2] Imre, b:1873, gépészmérnök, m: Szalay Irma;
- H8
[m2] Róza b:1875, m: Sanveber József;
<== Sanveber family
- G2
Gabriella, b:1835, m: Dévényi Iván;
- G3
Elvira, b:1838, m: Szily Antal;
- G4
Helén, b:1841, m: Hilleprandt Antal;
- G5
Blanka, b:1845, m: Jäger N;
- E2
Judit, m: Botka József;
- C2
Eperjessy György, b: ca.1704, m: Kozári Katalin;
- D1
István, b:1733, m: Bóka Eva;
- E1
Pál, b:1766,
- C3
Eperjessy Katalin, b:1708, m: szalai Barbely János;