De Clare family
Many modern family names can be spotted drifting in and out of the spotlight of British history across
time if one looks closely enough. One such family name, through a combination of intrigue and diplomacy,
rose to become the wealthiest family in thirteenth century England, and later members of the dynasty were
to influence the country's future by marrying into the Plantagenet royal family.
The family in question is that of the de Clares, now remembered through the surname Clare and it's
derivatives. Originally a Norman family, they took their name from Clare in Suffolk where their first
castle, and the seat of their barony, was situated. By the thirteenth century, the family held vast
estates in Wales, Ireland, and twenty two English counties - so there was little chance of the surname
becoming isolated to just one area.
The first recorded member of the de Clare dynasty was Godfrey, Count of Eu. Godfrey was an
illegitimate son of Richard of Normandy, and his son Gilbert was assassinated in 1040. It has been
suggested that the de Clares were distant relatives of William I of England, as William himself was the
illegitimate son of another Duke of Normandy. .....
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 Gilbert de Clare in Tewkesbury Abbey |
- A1. Giselbert "Crispin", Count of Brionne;
==> Normans
- B1. Richard FitzGilbert, Lord of Clare and Tonbridge, lvd:1035/1090, m. Rohese Giffard;
==> Giffard family
- C1. Avice de Clare, m. Robert de Stafford;
<== Stafford family
- C2. Rohaise de Clare, m. Baldric Teutonicus;
<== Neville family
- C3. Sir Gilbert FitzRichard, Lord of Clare, Tonbridge, and Cardigan, m. Adelize de Clermont;
- D1. Gilbert de Clare, 1st Earl of Pembroke, lvd:1100/1149, m. Isabel de Beaumont;
==> Comte de Beaumont
- E1. Richard 'Strongbow' de Clare, 2nd Earl of Pembroke, d:1175, m. Aoife de Leinster;
==> Clan O'Brian
- D2. Sir Richard FitzGilbert, Lord of Clare. d:1136, m. Adelize de Meschines ;
- E1. Adelaide de Clare, m. William de Percy;
<== Percy family
- E2. Sir Roger de Clare, Earl of Hertford, Lord of Clare, d:1173, m. Maud de St. Hilary;
- F1. Sir Richard de Clare, Lord of Clare, d:1218 , m. Amice FitzRobert;
- G1. Maud de Clare, d:1213, m. William de Braose;
<== de Braose family
- G2. Sir Gibert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester and Hertford, lvd:1182/1230, m. Isabel Marshal;
==> Marshal family
- H1. Isabel de Clare, lvd:1226/1254, m. Robert de Brus;
==> House of Bruce
- H2. Sir Richard de Clare, Lord of Clare, Knight, lvd:1222/1262, m. Maud de Lacy;
==> de Quincy
- I1. Rose de Clare, m. Roger de Mowbray;
<== de Mowbray family
- I2. Sir Thomas, Governor of London, d:1287, m. Julianna FitzMaurice;
- I3. Sir Gilbert 'the Red' de Clare, lvd:1243/1295, m1. Joan Plantagenet,
==> Plantagenet
m2. Alice de Lusignan;
==> Comtes de Lusignan
- J1. [m1]: Alianore de Clare, lvd:1292/1337, m. Sir Hugh Despenser;
<== Despenser family
- J2. [m1]: Margaret de Clare, lvd:1293/1342, m1. Piers de Gaveston, m2. Hugh de Audley;
<== Audley family
- J3. [m1]: Elizabeth de Clare, lvd:1295/1360, m. John de Burgh;
<== de Burgh family
- J4. [m2]: Johanna de Clare, lvd:1322, m. Duncan, 9th Earl of Fife;
<== Earls of Fife