FitzAlan family
Alain Fitz Flaald came to England at the Conquest in 1066 and was baron of Oswaldestre, Salop, and
Mileham. He received the shreivalty of Shropshire from Henry I and died circa 1114. While his parentage
is more or less obscure, there is evidence to show that Flaald, his father, lived in Brittany and was a
brother of Alain, seneschal of Dol, descended from the old Armorican counts of Dol and Dinan. Alain Fitz
Flaald was also the father or grandfather of William Fitz Alan, steward to David I., King of Scotland,
ancestor of the Stuarts, kings of that country. Alain Fitz Flaald was also the father of William Fitz
Alan, to whom Henry II. gave in second marriage Isabel de Say, baroness of Clun, the greatest heiress of
Shropshire. He was ancestor of John Fitz Alan, who married Isabel, sister and co-heiress of Hugh
d'Albigny. Upon a division of Hugh's property at his death in 1243, the castle of Arundel was assigned
to John, son of the aforementioned John and Isabel, who thus became the first earl of Arundel of the Fitz
Alan line.
William Fitz Alan, in the contest between King Stephen and the Empress Maud, being then Governor of
Shrewsbury and Sheriff of the county of Salop, held the castle at Shrewsbury for the latter, until it
was taken by assault. He was also with the Empress at the siege of Winchester Castle, in the 6th year of
Stephen, when she and her whole army were put to flight; afterwards, continuing to adhere stoutly to the
same cause, he was reconstituted Sheriff of Salop, when King Henry attained the crown. .....
Crispin and Macary "Falaise Rolls" ...
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 John FitzAlan aquired Arundel Castle
by marriage to Isabella d'Aubigny |
- A1. Sir William FitzAlan, Lord of Oswestry, d:1160, m. Isabel de Say;
==> Stewart family
- B1. Sir William FitzAlan, Sheriff of Shropshire, d:1213, m. Agnes de Lacy;
- C1. Sir John FitzAlan, Lord of Clun and Oswestry, d:1240, m. Isabella d'Aubigny;
==> d'Aubigny family
- D1. Sir John FitzAlan, 1st Earl of Arundel, lvd:1223/1267, m. Maud le Botiller;
==> Butler family
- E1. Sir John FitzAlan, 2nd Earl of Arundel, lvd:1246/1272, m. Isabella de Mortimer;
==> Mortimer family
- F1. Sir Richard FitzAlan, 3rd Earl of Arundel, lvd:1267/1302, m. Alasia di Saluzzo;
==> Marchese di Saluzzo
- G1. Eleanor of Arundel, d:1328, m. Henry de Percy;
==> Percy family
- G2. Sir Edmund FitzAlan, Knight, 4th Earl of Arundel, lvd:1273/1326, m. Alice de Warrenne;
==> Plantagenet
- H1. Alaive FitzAlan, m. Roger le Strange,
==> le Strange family
- H2. Sir Richard FitzAlan, d:1376, m1. Isabel Despenser,
==> Despenser family
m2. Eleanor Plantagenet;
==> Plantagenet
- I1. [m1]: Mary FitzAlan, m. John le Strange;
<== le Strange family
- I2. [m1]: Sir Edmund FitzAlan, b:1327, m. Sybil Montagu;
- J1. Philippa FitzAlan, b:1349, m. Sir Richard Sergaux;
- K1. Philippa Sergaux, lvb:1380/1420, m. Sir Robert Pashley;
- I2. [m2]: Alice FitzAlan, d:1416, m. Thomas Holand;
<== Holand family
- I3. [m2]: Joane FitzAlan, m. Humphry de Bohun;
<== de Bohun family
- I4. [m2]: Richard FitzAlan, 10th Earl of Arundel, m. Elizabeth de Bohun;
==> de Bohun family
- J1. Joan FitzAlan, d:1411, m. William de Beauchamp;
<== Beauchamp family
- J2. Elizabeth FitzAlan, d:1425, m1. Thomas de Mowbray, m2. Sir Robert Goushill;
<== de Mowbray family
- I5. [m2]: John FitzAlan of Arundel, Lord Maltravers, d:1379, m. Eleanor Maltravers;
- J1. Joan FitzAlan, m. Sir William Echingham;
<== Echingham family
- J2. John FitzAlan, Lord Maltravers, lvd:1365/1391, m. Elizabeth le Despenser;
==> Despenser family
- K1. John FitzAlan, 12th Earl of Arundel, d:1421, m. Eleanor Berkeley;
==> Berkeley family
- L1. Sir Richard Arundell;