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Here we are in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. Everywhere you look are rolling hills and trees. The autumn colors are a little behind this year but the views are still beautiful. We stayed in this area 7 nights because there was so much to see.

They are called Blue Ridge Mountains because of the haze that hangs over the mountains.

This beautiful city is the home of 3 presidents: James Madison, James Monroe and Thomas Jefferson.

The architecture of the city reflects colonial Virginia and modern.

Margie told us that "spudnuts" were delicious. We found this coffee shop/bakery about 11:00 on a Sunday morning on the way to Monticello. It was so popular, there were only a few donuts left. (Spudnuts are made from potato flour and are delicious.)
We visited the home and gardens of Thomas Jefferson. You can see how beautiful it is.

Near Jefferson's home is Michie Tavern, ca. 1784. We stopped for a tour that included learning the Virginia Reel. We had a late lunch of period dishes such as fried chicken, black-eye peas, stewed tomatoes and biscuits. All very good.



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