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Port Townsend (Jefferson County) Repeater - W7JCR

145.15 MHz, -offset, PL: 114.8 Hz. Formal Net Every Wednesday at 0900

In case you perceive any event which you think may cause an alert or activation, our ARES/RACES standing orders are to SELF ACTIVATE by checking into the Jefferson County Emergency Net on the Port Townsend Repeater for instructions.


2013 Rhody Run Info now Loaded

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Hams at work The Jefferson County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) is a voluntary organization of licensed amateurs who have registered their capabilities and equipment for providing emergency communications as a public service to the community. The purpose of the ARES is to furnish communications in the event of natural disaster, when regular communications fail or are inadequate. Sponsored by ARRL, the ARES functions at the local level to meet local communications needs.

The ARES has a long history of public service going back to its formal inception in 1935. Since that time, the ARES has responded countless times to communications emergencies.

Experience has proven that radio amateurs respond more capably in time of emergency when practice has been conducted in an organized group. There is no substitute for experience gained before the need arises.

The ARES in each locality operates under the direction of the Emergency Coordinator (EC), whose function is to direct the activities of the ARES to maintain a state of readiness.

RACES, administered by local, county and state emergency management agencies, and supported by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) of the United States government, is a part of the Amateur Radio Service that provides radio communications for Hams eatingcivil-preparedness purposes only, during periods of local, regional or national civil emergencies. These emergencies are not limited to war-related activities, but can include natural disasters such as fires, floods and earthquakes.

As defined in the rules, RACES is a radiocommunication service, conducted by volunteer licensed amateurs, designed to provide emergency communications to local or state civil-preparedness agencies. It is important to note that RACES operation is authorized by emergency management officials only, and this operation is strictly limited to official civil-preparedness activity in the event of an emergency-communications situation.



All Hams are invited to join ARES/RACES

If you are a licensed amateur radio operator with a desire to help your community, you are invited to contact the Jefferson County ARES Emergency Coordinator/RACES Radio Officer, Gary Fell, KD7MWL, for information.