Project and Participant Contact Information
The following is a listing of the Project personnel and their contact information:
Charles P. Funkhouser, Ph.D. (PI)

Dr. Funkhouser serves as the Principal Investigator (PI) on this Project at the Department of
Mathematics of California State University, Fullerton. His research interests within mathematics education
include ethnomathematics, cognitive science, and appropriate uses of technology in the teaching and learning
of mathematics. His outside interests include modern languages and literature, kayaking, snowboarding and
Miles Pfahl, M.S.T. (CoPI TMCC)

Miles Pfahl served as the Co-principal Investigator (CoPI) on this Project while with the Mathematics Department of Turtle Mountain Community College in Belcourt, North Dakota. He currently is at Dunseith Indian Day School. His research interests are in mathematics education, including tutor services and online mathematics education. His outside interests include doing anything with his wife Patty, and three children, Jaden, William and Zackary. He also enjoys golfing, hunting and spending time outside.
Harriet Edwards, Ph.D. (CoPI CSUF)

Professor Harriet Edwards is the Co-principal Investigator (CoPI) on this Project at the Department of Mathematics at California State University, Fullerton.
She is a longtime Professor with the Department. Her research interests in mathematics education include how students can learn to study mathematics using analogy and metaphor, along with the training of peer tutors.
Her outside interests include singing with Pacific Chorale, a major Southern California chorus, hiking and other outdoor activities, politics and history.
Patrick Weasel Head, Ph.D. (Project Tribal Cultural Liaison)

Patrick Weasel Head is the Tribal Cultural Liaison for this Project. Patrick has worked extensively with American Indian Tribes thoughout the United States, and has served in numerous formal professional capacities locally, statewide and nationally. His outside interests include fitness-related activities and issues of social justice.
Of Blackfeet heritage, he works and resides in Missoula, Montana.
Roberto Wheaton, M.A. (Project Materials Developer)

Roberto Wheaton is a materials development specialist for this Project. He teaches and resides in California's Cochella Valley. His passion for American Indian culture and education is grounded by his roots on the Coeur d'Alene Indian reservation in Idaho. His other interests include snowboarding, painting and tennis.
Luther Olson, M.A.T. (Project Materials Developer)

Luther Olson is a materials developer for our Project. He teaches math and statistics at North Dakota State University and has worked extensively at Turtle Mountain Community College. His educational interests include mathematics education and incorporating technology into education. Away from work Luther enjoys playing basketball, acting and singing with his community theater group, and hanging out with his wife and three children.
Michael Little Crow, M.S. (Project Materials Developer)

Michael Little Crow is a materials development specialist for this Project at the
Mathematics Department of Scottsdale Community College, Scottsdale, Arizona. His mathematical interest include ethnomathematics
and mathematics education.
A. Duane Porter, Ph.D. (Project Evaluator)

Dr. A. Duane Porter is the Project Evaluator for this NSF DUE TUES-Type 2 Award #1122823. He is a Retired Emeritus Faculty of the Mathematics Department at the University of Wyoming, Laramie. He has an extensive research, publication and grant record, especially in the areas of algebra and mathematics education. His interests include hunting, fishing, hiking and visits to Kona, Hawaii.
Shawn Jordan (Project STEM Engineering Coordinator)

Dr. Jordan is the Project coordinator for the development of new Native culturally-based STEM lessons in engineering--which are key to this Project's just-begun supplemental objectives. He teaches engineering at the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University in Mesa. His professional and research interests include the interaction of the learning of engineering and American Indian culture. Currently he serves as the Director of ASU's STEAM Labs Center for K-12 Research and Engagement, which includes an active partnership with the Navajo Nation.
(If you are not sure which of these participants you might need to contact for information about some aspect of the Project, please feel free to contact the PI, Dr. Funkhouser, for a referral.)