P.O. Box 2347 - Port Angeles, WA 98362-0303
Phone: (360) 457-3920 - Fax: (360) 457-0131
Email: wdploggy@olypen.com

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Loggy Soil and Wetland Consulting is a sole proprietorship professional consulting service company that provides reconnaissance and site specific assessments, investigations, identification and documentation for public and private land management planning and projects requiring data and resource information relating to:

  • Soils
  • Wetlands
  • Critical Areas

Click on Services to view a detail list describing the services provided by Loggy Soil and Wetland Consulting for the above resource subjects

I am David Loggy. I have been an ARCPACS Certified Professional Soil Scientist, since 1979, and I am a Wetland Specialist.

From 1966 to 1995, I conducted and supervised soils and water inventories, assessments, and investigations for public lands

  management for forest planning, mining, hydroelectric and ski area projects, long term and independent timber sales, and forest road layout routes.

Since starting my company in 1997, I have been conducting wetland determinations and delineations using either the 1987 "Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual" or the 1997 "Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual.

I am presently providing soil and wetland consulting services and environmental support services to other consultants, and clients planning and developing subdivision, short plats, single family home lots and timber sales.


  • Washington Society of Professional Soil Scientist
  • Society of Wetland Scientists
  • Soil Science Society of America
  • National Society of Consulting Soil Scientist, Inc.



Summary of Experience

Project and Program Manager, or Interdisciplinary Team Member on 25 major projects in Colorado and Alaska. Thirty-two years experience in soil survey, and water planning and budgeting for forest planning, mining and ski area projects, long term and independent timber sales, and road layout and construction. Additional experience in wetland classification and mapping, and riparian buffer management and establishment.

Two and one-half years of wetland, slope stability determination and soil erosion plan work in Washington State in the Counties of Snohomish, Island, Skagit and Clallam.

Fifteen technical reports and papers authored or co-authored.

Training in U.S. Army Crops of Engineers Wetland Delineation Method and State of Washington's Wetland Functional Assessment Method.

Selected Project Experience

Private Soil and Wetland Consulting
I have conducted soil slope stability analysis on identified critical areas for timber harvest sites and housing development sites in Skagit and Clallam Counties. I have also developed an erosion control plan for a housing development plat and conducted wetland inventories and delineation for realty companies and private landowners in Clallam, Skagit, Snohomish and Island Counties, Washington.

National Cooperative Soil Survey, U.S. Forest Service
I have thirty years experience in soil identification, classification, soil sampling, standard testing methods, and mapping soils to the National Cooperative Soil Survey. I surveyed and mapped and/or supervised the surveying and mapping of 3 million acres between and the states of Nebraska, Colorado and Alaska that included more than 85 organic and mineral soil series. Thirty of the soils were organic and mineral hydric soils associated with estuary, and bog and fen wetlands (both forested and non-forested).

  Water Management, U.S. Forest Service
I developed modeling protocol for erosion and sediment transfer hazard, and co-developed geomorphic risk assessment of potential fish habitat impacts for forest management alternative practices. Co-developed a classification system for field identifying Class III Streams (equivalent to the State of Washington's Type 4 Waters) based on sedimentation potential. Co-authored a protocol for identifying, classifying and mapping 34 wetland habitat types using GIS soil and plant communities databases for S.E. Alaska. As Watershed Program Manager for 5 years, I supervised three soil scientists, and two hydrologists. I Coordinated, managed, directed and budgeted the Ketchikan area's watershed program and projects, involving watershed analysis, soil and hydrology management consulting, and coordinated the watershed program of work with other resource units.

Technical Soil Management Services U.S. Forest Service
I conducted soil and wildland watershed support services for slope stability analysis, landslide stabilization, application of soil quality standards, erosion analysis and site surveys. I also identified wetlands, and interpreted soil data for timber sale planning, layout, and administration, fertility and regeneration research studies. I provided soil analysis for rock pit development, road location, and construction, and administration, recreation sites, administrative sites, ski areas, mine development, hydroelectric sites and a pulp mill air pollution study.

Forest and Project Planning, U.S. Forest Service
I was the Soil and Water Consultant or IDT member for environmental analysis for two Ketchikan Pulp Co.'s Long Term Sale - five year periods, many smaller timber sales, the U.S. Borax Molybdenum Bulk Sampling Mine Access Road, Swan Lake Hydroelectric Dam, Tongass Land Management Plan Revision (1987-90). I wrote soil and water standards and guidelines, management prescriptions, and the soil, water, air and wetland section for environmental analysis. I co-authored and edited a white paper on riparian concepts for S.E. Alaska

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