James Nobe

John Ferguson, Chairman

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James Nobe

James E. Nobe  - 3CL  4N

Sorry for the initial succinct contact with the hopes this will remedial serve in some small informative measure. 

Accordingly, I was first assigned to the 3rd raiders only to volunteer for the fourth battalion, located just up the river from the 3rd encampment during our sojourn at Espirito Santo, New Herbrides. 

Actually, this transfer was only slated for the duration covering the New Georgia raids but by the time we accomplished our task, the 3rd was involved in taking Bougainville, so as fate would have it, I opted to remain with the Fourth. 

Later, under the newly designated 4th Regiment, I was wounded rather severely on Guam and subsequently received a discharge following some 10 months in navy hospitals. 

Primarily through undergoing the significant experience at a young impressionable age starting at 156, one might well understand why I would thereafter size up things in an incongruous manner (or entertain an amoral perspective if you will), especially when viewed by “pure of hearts” affecting sorts, who equated pain and strife to inherent constipation. 

Stating it mildly, there’s damned little I intrinsically look upon  sans amusement or being more specific, hackneyed issues dealing with politics, religion, post adolescent sports, glorified employment and redundant family values, through perceiving such as like to shoveling shit against the tide besides being “hazardous to one’s health” if desiring to skirt becoming a systematized emotional yo-yo. 

In short, I’ve erstwhile been referred to as an enigmatic con artist by efficacious law enforcement agencies who similar to contemporary autocratic ilk, think nothing of squandering inordinate amounts of tax money not in the pursuit of ultimate rehabilitation which never enters into the equation, since the real name of the game in “pure and simple terms is convictions” where the ends justifies even illegal means if necessary, therefore effecting innocent and th guilty alike. 

However, this corrupt scenario seldom results in a conviction when stacked up against balls and brains sufficient to dazzle with footwork, thus guilt fully sidetracking the main line of attack. 

In a more serious vein, it would appear that in preserving a certain detached approach to what principally concerns society’s masses, provides a definite immunity against common aging disorders, seeing as how Phoenix’s V.A. Hospital recently concluded an extensive examination once duly apprised I’d not had a thorough physical in all my 71 years or suffice to say, there wasn’t a single problem meriting medication nor a change in lifestyle remotely recommended. 

Naturally, my very “humble” Chinese wife took bowing credit for this clean bill of health notwithstanding she’s less than half my age. 

Besides being severely injured on our Guam operation, Jim Nobe returned to recuperate to an empty tent back at our home base on Guadalcanal to find all four of it’s tent mates Costello, Courtway, Kelly and Haggerty had lost their lives in the New Georgia raids.  Not only that he could not physically be active anymore but he had no one close to even tell it to.  That devastation led him to believe that, “Life is far to expendable and fragile to approach with serious intent”, said in his own words. 

On a more happier and recent note, however, Jim chose our St. Louis reunion (his home town by the way) as a time and place to get married, talk about combining events, commitments and pleasures. 

He related to me his trip to China (Dec. 1995) when he met and fell in love with a lovely Chinese girl from a well-to-do family with Hong Kong and American connections where she had gone to school.  Although there is substantial age difference between the two, in his own words, says, “We’re quite compatible to a degree I have never known with another female”. 

James recently told the story about a day on Guam during the battle in taking the Roto Peninsular

The 1st PLt, co E 2nd bn 4th Marines was ordered  to take the intervening ground