Lords of the Isles
The west coast and islands of presnt-day Scotland formed part of the territories of the Northern Picts
(the Alban Gael), but in the 7th and 8th centuries this area, like others, suffered raids and invasions
by vikings from both Norway and Denmark, and the islands became known to the Gael as Innse-Gall, the
Islands of the Strangers.
Somerled, Gilledomman's grandson, successfully seized the Isles from the Norse in 1140 and founded
the dynasties of the Lords of the Isles. He had Celtic blood on his father's side and Norse on his
mother's: his contemporaries knew him as Somerled Macgilbred, Somhairle or in Norse Sumarlidi Höld
('Somerled' means "summer wanderer", the name given to the Vikings). He took the title Rex Insularum
(King of the Isles) as well as King of Man... Wikipedia ... ...
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 Ruins of Duntulum Castle on Skye -
abandoned by the MacDonalds in the 17th century after persistently being haunted by the castle's
ghosts |
- A1. Gilledomman;
==> Dalriada
- B1. Gillebride Na H'Uaimh, lvd:1130;
- C1. Somerled, King of the Isles, lvd:1130/1164, m. Ragnhilda;
==> Vikings
- D1. Angus, Lord of Bute and Arran, d:1210;
- C1. James Macrory of Bute and Arran, d:1210;
- E1. Jean Macrory of Bute, m. Alexander Stewart;
<== Clan Stewart
- D2. Ranald, Lord of Argyll and Kintyre, d:1207, m. N. Randolph;
==> Randolph
- E1. Donald of the Isles, d:1250, m. N. Stewart;
==> Clan Stewart
- F1. Angus Mor MacDonald, Lord of the Isles, d:1250, m. N. Campbell;
- G1. Angus Og MacDonald, Lord of the Isles, d:1330, m. Agnes O'Cathan;
- H1. Mary MacDonald, m. William Ross;
<== Clan Ross
- H2. John MacDonald, Lord of the Isles, d:1387, m. Margaret Stewart;
==> House of Stewart
- D3. Dugall of Lorn, Mull and Jura;
- E1. Duncan MacDougall of Dunollie and of Lorn, d:1248;
- F1. Ewen MacDougall of Dunollie and of Lorn;
- G1. Mary MacDougall, m. Hugh Abernethy;
<== Clan Abernethy
- G2. Sir Alexander MacDougall, lvd:1296, m. N. Comyn;
==> Clan Comyn
- H1. Sir John MacDougall, 5th of Dunollie;
- I1. Ewen MacDougall of Lorn, m. Joan Isaac;
==> Clan Bruce
- J1. Isabella MacDougall, d:1439, m. Sir John Stewart;
<== Clan Stewart