Clan Keith
A warrior of the Chatti slew the Danish General Camus at the Battle of Barrie in 1010, for which
valour Malcolm II dipped three fingers into the blood of the slain and drew them down the shield of the
warrior, thereafter named Marbhachair Chamuis, or ‘Camus Slayer’. Ever since then, the chief of the
Keiths has borne on his arms the same three red lines. This is depicted as early as 1316 on the seal of
Sir Robert de Keth, marischal. Malcolm’s victory at the Battle of Chathem in 1018 brought him into
possession of Lothian, and Camus Slayer subsequently held the Lothian lands of Keth from which his
progeny took their names. A Norman adventurer, Hervey, married the native heiress of Marbhachair and
received a charter for the lands of Keth from David I around 1150. Hervey’s son was styled ‘Marischal
of the King of Scots’ in a charter of 1176, which office the family held until the attainder of George,
tenth Earl Marischal. The Marischal was custodian of the royal regalia and charged with the safety of
the king’s person within Parliament.
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 Dunnottar Castle |
- A1. Waren, lvd:1140;
- B1. Hervey;
- C1. Hervey de Keith, King's Marischal;
- D1. Malcolm de Keith;
- E1. Philip de Keith, Marischal, m. Eda Lorens;
- F1. Hervey de Keith, Marischal;
- G1. Sir John de Keith, m. Margaret Cumyn;;
- H1. Robert de Keith, m. Johanna de Galbrathe;
- I1. Sir William de Keith of Galston, d:1336;
- H2. Sir William de Keith, m. Barbara de Seton;
==> Clan Seton
- I1. Sir Edward de Keith of Sinton, m1. Chritian Menteith, m2. Isabella Sinton;
- J1. [m1]: Janet Keith, d:1413, m. Thomas Erskin;
<== Clan Erskin
- J2. [m2]: John Keith of Inverugie, m. Mariotta de Chayne;
- K1. Andrew Keith;
- L1. N.;
- M1. Gilbert Keith of Inverugie;
- N1. Sir William Keith, d:1521, m. Janet Dunbar;
==> Clan Dunbar
- O1. Janet Keith, m. John Forbes;
<== Clan Forbes
- O2. Sir William Keith, m. Janet Gray;
- P1. Elisabeth, m. William Forbes;
<== Clan Forbes
- P2. Margaret, m. William Keith*;
- I2. Sir Robert de Keith, Marischal, m. Barbara Douglas;
- J1. John de Keith, m. N. de Soules
- K1. Sir Robert de Keith of Sinton, m. Isabella Sinton;
- L1. Sir William Keith, Marischal, m. Margaret Fraser;
==> Clan Fraser
- M1. Marietta Keith, d:1449, m. Robert Stewart, 1st Lord of Albany;
<== House of Stewart
- M2. Elisabeth Keith, m. Sir Adam Gordon;
<== Clan Gordon
- M3. Alexander Keith of Grandown, m. Marjory Stewart;
==> House of Stewart
- N1. Chritian Keith, m. Sir Patrick Ogilvy;
<== Clan Ogilvy
- M4. Sir Robert Keith, Marischal;
- N1. Sir William, 1st Earl Marischal, m. Mary Hamilton;
<== Clan Hamilton
- O1. Sir William, 2nd Earl Marischal, d:1483, m. Muriella Erskin;
==> Clan Erskin ;
- P1. Sir William, 3rd Earl Marischal, lvd:1457/1526, m. Elisabeth Gordon;
==> Clan Gordon
- Q1. Elisabeth Keith, b:1504, m. Colin Oliphant;
<== Clan Oliphant
- Q2. Christian Keith, m. Sir Walter Ogilvy;
<== Clan Ogilvy
- Q3. Gilbert Keith of Troup, d:1537, m. Elisabeth Forbes;
- R1. Elisabeth Keith, m. George Baird;
<== Clan Baird
- Q3. Robert Keith, Master of Marischal, m. Elisabeth Douglas;
- R1. Elizabeth Keith, m. George Gordon;
<== Clan Gordon
- R2. Beatrice Keith, m. Alexander Fraser;
<== Clan Fraser
- R3. William Keith, 4th Earl Marischal, d:1581, m. Margaret Keith*;
- S1. Elisabeth Keith, m. Alexander Irvine;
<== Clan Irvine
- S2. Alison Keith, m. Alexander Abernethy;
<== Clan Abernethy
- S3. William Keith, Master of Marischa, m. Elisabeth Hay;
==> Clan Hay
- T1. Barbara Keith, m. Alexander Forbes;
<== Clan Forbes