Rurik Dynasty
By the ninth century, Viking warriors and merchants, called Varangians, had penetrated the East Slavic
regions. According to the Primary Chronicle, the earliest chronicle of Kievan Rus', a Varangian named
Rurik first established himself in Novgorod, just south of modern-day St. Petersburg, in about 860 before
moving south and extending his authority to Kiev. The chronicle cites Rurik as the progenitor of a dynasty
that ruled in Eastern Europe until 1598. Another Varangian, Oleg, moved south from Novgorod to expel the
Khazars from Kiev and founded Kievan Rus' about A.D. 880. During the next thirty-five years, Oleg subdued
the various East Slavic tribes.
The region of Kiev dominated the state of Kievan Rus' for the next two centuries. The zenith of the
state's power came during the reigns of Prince Vladimir and Prince Yaroslav the Wise. To enhance their
power, Vladimir married the sister of the Byzantine emperor, and Yaroslav arranged marriages for his
sister and three daughters to the kings of Poland, France, Hungary, and Norway. Vladimir's greatest
achievement was the Christianization of Kievan Rus', a process that began in 988. He built the first
great edifice of Kievan Rus, the Desyatinnaya Church in Kiev.
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![[]](Vladimir_of_Kiev.jpg) Saint Vladimir 'Velikiy', Great Prince of Kiev
- A1 = Rurik, konung of Novgorod and Ladoga, lvd:862/879;
- B1 = Ingvar, konung of Novgorod, lvd:877/945, m. Olga of Kiev;
- C1 = Svyatoslav I, konung of Novgorod and Kiev, lvd:945/972;
- D1 = Vladimir I 'Velikiy', Great Prince of Kiev, lvd:980/1015,
m1. N. of Swabia, m2. Rogneda of Norway, m3. N. of Swabia;
- E1 -- [m1] Dobronegaa, m. King Kazimir I of Poland;
<== House of Piast
- E2 = [m2] Premislava, m. Prince Vazul of Hungary;
<== House of Árpád
- E3 = [m3] Agatha, m. King Edward "the Exile" of England;
<== House of Wessex
- E4 = [m2] Yaroslav I 'the Wise', lvd:978/1054, m. Ingegurd of Sweden;
==> Kings of Sweden
- F1 = Anna, m. King Henry I of France;
<== Capetian Dynasty
- F2 = Anastasia, m. King András I of Hungary;
<== House of Árpád
- F3 = Izyaslav I, Great Prince of Kiev, d:1078;
- G1 = Svyatopolk II 'Monomachos', Great Prince of Kiev, lvd:1050/1113;
- H1 = Predslava, d:1129, m. Prince Álmos of Hungary;
<== House of Árpád
- H2 -- Zbyslava, m. Duke Boleslaw III of Pomerania;
<== House of Piast
- F4 = Vsevolod I, Great Prince of Kiev, d:1093, m. Anastasia of Byzantium;
- G1 = Vladimir II 'Monomachos', Great Prince of Kiev, lvd:1053/1125, m. Gytha;
==> House of Wessex
- H1 = Mstislav II, Great Prince of Kiev, b:1076, m1. Christine of Sweden, m2. Luibava;
- I1 -- [m1]: Ingeborg, m. King Knut Lavard of Jutland;
<== Kings of Sweden
- I2 = [m2]: Eufrosina, b:1130, m. King Géza II of Hungary;
<== House of Árpád
- I3 -- [m2]: Izyaslav II, m. Great Prince of Kiev, lvd:1096/1154, m. N. Hohenstaufen;
- J1 -- Mstislav II, Gr. Prince of Kiev, d:1170, m. Agnieszka of Poland;
- K1 -- Roman, Gr. Prince of Kiev, d:1205, m. Predislava of Smolensk;
- L1 -- Danylo, King of Galicia, lvd:1201/1264, m. Anna of Novgorod;
- F5 -- Svyatoslav II, Prince of Chernigov, d:1027/1076, m. Oda von Babenberg;
- G1 -- Oleg 'Gorislavich', Prince of Chernigov, d:1115, m. N., daughter of Asaduk, Khan of Khumans;
- H1 -- Vsevolod II, Prince of Kiev, d:1146, m. Maria of Kiev;
- I1 -- Svyatoslav, Prince of Kiev, d:1194, m. Maria Vasilkovna of Polotsk;
- J1 -- Vsevolod II I, Prince of Chernigov, d:1215, m. Anastasia of Poland;
- K1 -- Michail, Prince of Kiev, lvd:1179/1246, m. Maria of Galicia;
- L1 -- Rostislav, Prince of Chernigov, d:1225/1262, m. Anna of Hungary;
==> House of Árpád
- M1 -- Kunigunda, d:1255/1285, m. King Premysl II Otakar of Bohemia;
<== Premyslid