The Franks - Carolingian Dynasty
The family of Frankish aristocrats and the dynasty (AD 750–887) that they established to rule western
Europe. The name derives from the large number of family members who bore the name Charles, most notably
Pippin of Herstal, also known as Pippin the Younger, was the grandson of Pippin the Elder from the
marriage of Ansegisel and Begga, the daughter of the Elder. As the Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia,
Neustria and Burgundy from 680 to 714, he gradually controlled the Frankish court. The Merovingian king
Theuderic III attempted to oust Pepin from his post, but he was defeated at Tertry in 687. Pepin then
became the actual ruler of Austrasia, keeping a strong influence over the other Frankish kingdoms. His
descendants continued to serve as Mayors of the Palace, eventually becoming the legal rulers of the
Frankish kingdoms.
Around 670, Pippin II married Plectrude for her inheritance of substantial estates in the Moselle
region. They produced at least two children and through them at least two significant grandchildren.
These legitimate children and grandchildren claimed themselves to be Pepin's true successors and with
the help of his widow Plectrude tried to maintain the position of Mayor of the Palace after Pepin II’s
death on December 16, 714. ....
![[]](Charlemagne_sml.jpg) Charlemagne
- A1 = Faramund, Lord of West Franks, Princess Argotta;
- A1 = Clodius, King of the Franks, d:445, m. Basina of Thuringia;
- B1 = Meroveus, d:447;
<== Merovingien Dynasty
- B2 = Alberica, d:491, m. Argotta of Verona;
- C1 = Wambertus, m. Lucilla;
- D1 = Ansbertus of Moselle, m. Blitildis;
- E1 = Gertrudis, d:615, m. Richemores, Duke of Franks;
- E2 = Arnoldus, d:601, m. Ada of Schwabia;
- F1 = St. Arnulf, Bishop of Metz, d:640, m. Dode Clothilde;
- G1 = Duke Ansegise, Maiordomus of Austrasia, lvd:602/685, m. Begga of Landen;
- H1 = Pipin II "The Fat"of Herstal, b:635, m. Alpaïde;
- I1 = Duke Charles Martell, lvd:681/741, m. Rotrude of Alemania;
- J1 = Pepin "the Short", King of Franks, lvd:714/768, m. Bertrada;
- K1 = Bertha, m. Milo de Ver;
<== de Vere family
- K2 = Charlemagne, Holy Roman Emperor, lvd:742/814, m1. Hildegarde of Vinzgau, m2. Luitgarde;
- L1 ~ [m1]: Charles, King of the East Franks, lvd:772/811, m. Juliana of Ingelheim;
- M1 ~ Rowland of Neustria;
- N1 ~ Godfrey of Neustria;
- O1 ~ Baldwin I of Blois;
- P1 ~ Baldwin II of Blois;
- L2 = [m1]: King Pepin I of Lombardy, lvd:773/810, m. Bertha of Toulouse;
==> Merovingien Dynasty
- M1 = King Bernard I of Italy, lvd:797/818, m. Kunigunda;
- N1 = Count Pepin II Quentin de Vermandois, b:817;
- O1 = Papia of Senlis, b:848, m. Rollo Ragnvaldsson;
<== Normans
- O2 = Count Herbert I de Vermandois, b:902, m. Beatrice de Morvois;
- P1 = Count Herbert II de Vermandois, lvd:884/943, m. Hildebrante of France;
- Q1 = Adlele de Vermandois, d:960, m. Count Arnulf I;
<== Counts of Flanders
- Q2 = Count Robert de Vermandois, d:968, m. Adelais de Vergy;
- R1 = Adele de Vermandois, d:974, m. Count Geoffry I of Anjou;
<== Anjou Dynasty
- L3 = [m1]: King Louis I 'the Fair' of Aquitaine, lvd:778/840, m1. Ermengarde of Hesbaye, m2. Judith von Altdorf;
- M1 = [m1]: Rotrude, d:841, m. Gerard I;
<== House of Poitou
- M2 ~ [m1]: Emperor Lothaire I of Germany, b:795/855, m. Thionvile;
- N1 ~ Lothaire II, lvd:835/869, m. Teutberge of Arles;
- N2 ~ Ermengarde, m. count Gisalbert II von Maasgau;
- O1 ~ Regnier I 'Langhals', Duke of Lotharingia, m. Alberada;
- P1 ~ Count Reinier II of Hainault, m. Alix of Provence;
- Q1 ~ Count Reginar III of Hainault, d:973, m. Adela;
- R1 ~ Count Lambert I of Louvain, d:1015, m. Gerberge of Lorraine;
- S1 ~ Mathilde, m. Count Eustache of Boulogne;
<== Clan Seton
- S2 ~ Robert de Bruges, Castellan of Bruges, lvd:1046/1051, m. Emma of Brittany;
<== House of Bruce
- M3 = [m2]: Gisele, d:876, m. Everhard of Friuli;
<== Kings of Italy
- M4 = [m2]: Emperor Charles II "the Bald", b:823/877, m. Ermentrude;
- N1 = Judith, lvd:844/870, m. count Baldwin I of Flanders;
<== Counts of Flanders
- N2 = King Louis II "the Stammerer", lvd:846/879, m. Adelaide;
- O1 = Emperor Charles III "the Simple", lvd:897/929, m. Eadgifu of England;
==> House of Wessex
- P1 = Emperor Louis IV "d'outre mer", lvd:921/954, m. Gerpirga of Saxony;
==> Saxons
- L4 = [m2]: Abott Hugues of St. Quentin, d:844;
- M1 = Petronilla, b:825, m. Tertulle, Count of Anjou;
<== Anjou Dynasty