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Our first stop in N. Carolina was to see where the first successful airplane flight was made. Kitty Hawke National Monument consists of a museum including a replica of the Wright Brothers' plane and other important information. Outside is the field where it all happened. Plaques show the length of each of the 4 attempts. We encountered pounding rain on the way from Virginia but it stopped when we got there.



The next stop took us to Asheboro, in the middle of the state. There happened to be a very good zoo here so we went to have a look.  I took the recommendation of the gorilla and didn't want  you to become as bored as he is. These are just a few of the many pictures taken that day.

In this same area live a large number of potters. Within a few miles of the village of Seagrove, is one of the largest groups of working potters in the United States, continuing the centuries old tradition of turning and burning pots. They all had little studios and showrooms where
you could purchase unique, handmade items, and I did, too.

A short drive from our campground in Asheboro,
is the last covered bridge in NC. It was
built in 1910 and is no longer used.
It had a little nature area and
picnic tables near by.



ASHEVILLE is in the southwest corner of North Carolina and the highest part of the Blue Ridge Mountains.
A very scenic area, we explored the Blue Ridge Parkway and a beautiful, old resort called the Grove Park Inn.


The Grove Inn, made from native mountain boulders,  was completely refurbished,
including its 14-foot fireplaces, and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
It is a 4-diamond resort and world-class spa, golf course and award winning dining.


One of the more famous attractions in Ashville was built by the very wealthy Vanderbilt family more than a century ago, named BILTMORE.  It is America's largest house, containing 250 rooms. The property also has its own 4-star hotel where you can enjoy modern day luxury and a winery. There are many statistics I could give you about this place but suffice it to say that it is big and beautiful and takes all day to see everything.

The formal gardens

The property extends as far as the eye can see.

These are some of the beautiful
and unusual orchids on display
in the conservatory.

Did I say unusual?

We also toured, tasted and bought
wine from the winery.
This used to be their dairy barns. Lucky cows.



Located 24 miles south of Asheville is a park and hiking area called Chimney Rock. We took the elevator, located inside the rock, up 10 stories to the observation platform. The view was simply beautiful with the autumn colors beginning to show (1). You can also take the trail up if you choose, but we were a little out of condition for that. Instead we took the trail down, it was a lot easier, even if some of the way included walking on the side of the cliff (2).


This 402-foot waterfall was a beautiful sight even though the water flow was down due to a drought. The park was also the movie set for "Last of the Mohicans." I was told that an important scene was filmed by this waterfall.

On Sunday we took a long drive through the neighboring Smokey Mountains to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Though the scenery was gorgeous, the tourist traffic was horrendous with limited parking. So, no pictures of that area. Our next stop is Nashville, TN. See you later...


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