Harry & Eileen Reid Family Photos
Gib & Eileen's Wedding Picture
Eirth, Kent, England 09 Feb. 1946
Gib and Eileen's 50th. Wedding Anniversary.
This photo was taken in their home, in Sequim, WA, taken 09 Feb. 1996.
Reid Family Photo taken 8/8/2008 after Dads service at Tahoma National Cemetery.
Photo edited by Kristie Ayers (Gib's Granddaughter)
Kristie superimposed Dads picture taken on Fathers Day 2008 into the picture.
The Reid family built 5 homes, this was their first.
On 15 Sep. 1947 Gib and Eileen Reid staked four corners; and applied to the U. S. Land Office,
in Anchorage, Territory of Alaska; for a 73 Acre Homestead. They built this 10 X 16
Skidshack at a neighbor's home, and pulled it down the gravel road to this location.
The Reid Log Home, Mile 18, Palmer Highway, Chugiak, Alaska
Their second home on the homestead was built using round logs, from Spruce Trees, felled on
this land in early 1950.
Finally electricity was supplied to the Chugiak area in early 1951, and their new log home was
connected Jan. 1951.
They moved into their mostly finished new home on 09 April 1951.
In July 1964 they sold this log home, and other acreage. The family moved to the south 48 States.
This photo taken on July 1995
This photo taken on May 1969, at Kent, WA.
The Reid family built this home.
This is an Arial Photograph of the Reid home, Sequim, Washington
The Reid family built this home 1981