To help children and youth put Christ in every phase of life by recognizing
him as Savior and Lord and developing a lifestyle based on biblical values.
Goals -
To enable children to enter into a personal relationship with Christ and
to know his Word.
To enable children to form healthy relationships.
To enable children to grow as whole persons.
To enable adults to understand children and help them develop.
To provide a
secure environment while in the Churches care.
Offering & Missions -
Children are
encouraged to bring 25 cents for dues, 25 cents for an
offering and 25 cents for Missions weekly. We suggest the
children earn the money by doing special chores to develop
their sense of responsibility. No one will be turned away
for not bringing any money!
Parents or
guardians are asked to fill out a form to provide
information for the teacher so the children can be taken
care of properly and returned to a responsible person
after the class.
Schedule -
Wednesday 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall classrooms.
New classes start in September when public school
begins but all children are welcome anytime. Prior
years students graduation is held on the second Sunday in