Worksheet #51                                               Name : _________________ pr # ____

  1. What is rescue breathing? _______________________________________________.
  2. What is the Heimlick maneuver? _______________________________________________.
  3. What is a Heart attack?  _______________________________________________.
  4. What is a Cardiac arrest? _______________________________________________.
  5. Spell CPR.        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  6. A ________________ occurs when a blood vessel breaks and does not allow blood flow to the brain?
  7. Severe bleeding is also called a ______________________?
  8. To control bleeding, define the following?
    1. Dressing _______________________________________________.
    2. Pressure bandage _______________________________________________.
    3. Pressure point _______________________________________________.
    4. Where are 4 major pressure points located on the body?



