Relationship Discussion Questions:


Cultural Belief #1


Sexual expression outside of marriage is fine if the couple loves each other.


Brotherly (Friendship) Love or Romantic Love


______ Buy a gift for them?


______ Help them wash their car?


______ Say, “I love you”? 


______ Pay for dinner?


______ Hold hands?


______ Listen to them when they are hurting?


______ Encourage them to reach their goals?


______ Kiss them?


______ Say, “I am sorry”?


______ Meet their family ?


______ Hug them?


______ Give up your time to help them with something?


______ Make out with them?


______ Send them flowers?


______ Touch their face?




LOVE                                                          RISKS


1.                                                           1.


2.                                                           2.


3.                                                           3.


4.                                                           4.


5.                                                           5.




Compare the Love & Risk columns and determine if Cultural Belief #1 is accurate




Cultural Belief #2


Living together is the same as being married and may in fact be a good way to see if a marriage will work.




Performance Based Relationships: _________________________________________________________




Acceptance Based Relationships:




What are the pros & cons of living together before getting married?






Cultural Belief #3


Practicing sex outside of marriage or before marriage helps establish a good sexual relationship in marriage.




Chemistry of sexual expression:




_____________ +  ______________ =  ____________________




Cultural Belief #4


The greatest most fulfilling sex is found when single




Top five qualities you desire in a marriage       Setting Boundaries


1.                                                                            1.


2.                                                                            2.


3.                                                                            3.


4.                                                                            4.



The Whole Person in Six Parts

















Your personal strengths: _______________________________





Your personal hurts (optional): ___________________________




Personal Assessment Line (Optional)





1    2    3    4    5   6    7    8    9   10   11    12    13   14    15    16    17   18




Intimacy Levels:




Lowest           Low           Moderate             High                 Highest



____________   ____________  __________






Relationship Storms: _______________________________________





I would like to see some growth or change in the following area of my relationships:





What skills do you think are necessary to resolve conflict in a healthy way