Chapter 29 review Name:
_________________ pr # ____
- First Aid is ___________________________________?
- What is a medical alert tag? _______________________________________________.
- When you call 911, name three things will do while in
communication with emergency assistant?
- Speak_____________________________.
- Identify _____________________________.
- Exact _____________________________.
- What is the purpose of the Good Samaritan law?
- Signals of an emergency
- Things you see?
1._______________ 2.
- Things you smell?
1._______________ 2. _________________
- Things you hear? 1._______________ 2.
- Any others? 1._______________ 2.
- First Aid Priorities
- A=__________________________?
- B=__________________________?
- C=__________________________?
- What is rescue breathing? _______________________________________________.
- What is the Heimlick
maneuver? _______________________________________________.
- What is a Heart attack? _______________________________________________.
- What is a Cardiac arrest? _______________________________________________.
- Spell CPR.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- A ________________ occurs when a blood vessel breaks
and does not allow blood flow to the brain?
- Severe bleeding is also called a
- To control bleeding, define the following?
- Dressing _______________________________________________.
- Pressure bandage _______________________________________________.
- Pressure point _______________________________________________.
- Where are 4 major pressure points located on the
body located?
- How does a poison enter the body?
- 1.________________ 2.
- 3. _______________ 4.
- Name 2 types of fractures? 1. ____________________ 2.
- A condition in which the heart fails to circulate blood
is called a _____________.
- Name 2 things you will not due in the case of an open
- 1.______________________________ 2. ____________________________.
- What is a SPRAIN? _______________________________________________.
- What is a STRAIN? _______________________________________________.
- What is a Ligament? _______________________________________________.
- What is a dislocation? _______________________________________________.
- Define the 3 kinds of Burns.
- First Degree
- Second Degree
- Third Degree
- Chemical burns: What do you do?
- 1. _______________________________________________.
- 2.
- 3.
- Electrical shock define it?
- How would you Stop a nose
from bleeding?
- Define hyperventilation? _______________________________________________.
- Define fainting? _______________________________________________.
- Define convulsions? _______________________________________________.
- Why does a head injury bleed heavily? _______________________________________________.
- Define frostbite? _______________________________________________.
- Why is a bee sting harmful? _______________________________________________.
- What is heat exhaustion? _______________________________________________.
- What is hypothermia? _______________________________________________.
- What is heatstroke? _______________________________________________.
- Under what weather conditions will heatstroke occur? _______________________________________________.
- Under what weather conditions will hypothermia occur?
- If you were at a dining room table is holding your
throat and could not breathe?
What would you
do? _________________________________________ and
how would you do it _______________________________________?
- Where is the zyphoid
process on your body? _______________________________________________.