


When A Seagull Cries


A lone gull flies alone on the breeze

Gliding he maneuvers the sky with ease


Matching the speed of the wind as he soars

As he drifts along the barren shores   


His comrades take form together they fly

While he remains to himself in the empty sky


An outcast removed in a far off land

Swollen with pride a rebel takes stand


With the grace of an eagle his brave-heart shows

Like a bomber in flight as the bitter wind blows


Learn from this bird as he wails the squall

It’s the heart of the fearless in a lonely call


Give way to the sound of a lone solo cry

It’s delight you hear as he spirits the sky


His joy is wrapped in this note that he sends

Remember Jonathon as he braves the winds   


When a seagull cries


Copyright© Cindy Bennett  03/11/2003


This poem is based on my memory of the book, jonathon Livingston Seagull