a weary tear



A tear drop escapes in a weary   eye

Relieve this maze in a desperate cry


A fight with a heart is a severe upset

While Losing a will and paying a debt


 Havoc of the mind is where it grows

A chaos of heart in a past that was chose



The weight of the world is a heavy load

It Torments the mind in a debt that is owed


Housed  in this vault this secret place

a tomb of silence that dwells in this space


Inside this heart diligence  stays

Strength and endurance for this I pray


Love commends on this ready heart

Settle this battle before I depart


 A fraught filled  face  burdened  with guilt

With Shades of anguish of a past that was built


A prison a jail a soul that’s obsessed

Darkness falls quickly on a spirit possessed


 withered lines trace a furrowed brow

A prayer is sent forth in a solemn vow


Lift this burden the depths of control

This warden of heart that governs my soul


A dance with your deamons is a heavy weight

It severs a soul while twisting its  fate


bless me with  time before I die

A droplet descends in a weary eye



Copyright© Cindy Bennett 1/19/02 



