The Thorn of a Rose


  A rose in the wind stands majestic and proud

Constant and devout is this covered shroud


These thorn shaved shears are her metals of life

Sturdy and strong are these symbols of strife


 a coat of quills that guards and protects

The Bristles of self and what it reflects


Stable and enduring she withers the storms

A portrait of grace another spear forms


 A Frame of beauty with these pointed throws

Yet soft and tender another spine grows


A  pearcing barb  once smooth to the touch

Shields to defend the gift of life’s clutch


A lacing  of petals  a christened thorn

  a symbol of love from which it was born


 Tempting the gales as the torrent wind  blows

Strong and lovely is the thorn of a rose

Copyright© Cindy Bennett
