Step In To My Parlor

Pretty pages adorned and  up for display

Like whores on a corner beckoning come play


Putting sparkles in the eye is a wonderful scheme

Dancing on a promise a threshold of a dream


while Adorning with honesty decency and trust

Eyes dripping like frosting of innocence and lust


A whisper in the wind so sweet and so fair

Step into my parish it’s cozy if you dare


Pay no attention don’t look to my soul

I’ve made it pretty I’ve covered the holes


I’ll tell you false stories of delusions and such

Hoping you don’t see while your soul I do clutch


Exciting your senses and tickling your desire

I’ll build you a fable step into my parlor


I’m lonely I’m sinful I’m evil I’m  corrupt

 my ego needs stroking as excuses erupt


I sit here observing  ashamed and disgraced

What was once beautiful sin sits in its place


Come out of the shadows and back to the light

Eyes filled with beauty and distinguished delight

Step into my parlor


Copyright ©Cindy Bennett 12/16/01


