






A Spar in the Night


An angel a devil sparring for the right

Skillfully defending a heart tonight


in search of a heart that's bound to the past

 the Warmth of a touch a calm that will last


A risk a dream that captures the mind

A past is the price for  keeping one blind


Glimpses of light from out of the dark

Shadows prevail in a subtle remark


A smile is a shine a hopeful sign

A limit set forth don’t cross the line


A yearning for love and driven by heart

Live with your deceit is the devils art


A reminder a whisper is carefully placed

Hang on to the dark alone and disgraced


Voices are loud from out of the deep

Angel of mine lull me to sleep


Words are like demons they play with the mind

Lucid and cold while devouring the blind


Surrounded by fear afraid to come clean

Below the surface awaiting a dream


release these shackles bounded with fear

A moment a second time drawing near


Self righteous and true oh what a game

Perched on a thrown piercing the flame


A plea to the light for a gift from above

Settle this fear and reward me with love


Reach for the light they say is the way

An angel a demon is a choice for today


An Ambiance of love is a radiant light

an Angel of mercy spars for the right

Copyright © Cindy Bennett 1/3/02
