Scarecrows In the Night


My intent is your soul your soul to upset

I see in your eyes how you pray to forget 


Observe my words and hear  what I say

I’ve seen your scarecrows that won’t go away


I see that old time has  taken it’s toll

I watch you fading while losing your soul


Let's sit here and rest just you and me

Reflections of life and how it should be


The clock on the wall no longer tics

Shadows of time the  mirrors it depicts


I see how you’ve made me come to a halt

Your life is a stake let’s look at your faults


This nightmare you live  that has no end

The advice  you take is killing you my friend


 This conflict of heart is eating you alive

Take control of your well if you wish to survive


The guidance that's given  has detoured your fate

Release these restrictions before it’s too late


You've been  painted to a corner as time closes in

No more  following your heart or seeing an end


It pains me to see your shadowed soul

A  fate that’s been taken and so will controlled


We’ve started the clock again and again

Take  rule  of your mind if you wish to win


consider the cost  is it worth your life

free your scarecrows that haunt in the night


And so  the story goes I lend you a  date

Save your life before it's to late


Copyright© Cindy Bennett

