One day


One day as you sit pointing a finger

Pondering your anger letting it linger


Wondering what life and the future is about

Remembering the wrongs as you’re drinking a stout


Smoking a stogie as the hate eats your guts

Anger, trust anger, ain’t no if ands or buts


fury out of love? what do we instill in our brothers?

Be careful of the message that’s taken by others


Every culture in time has suffered these pasts

Keeping hatred alive and the shadow it casts


Remember, remember don’t let it go

Don’t allow forgiveness to prosper and grow


Foment and provoke encourage and remember

Our youth what about youth will they live to December


Evolution not revolution, will we evolve in our fate?

For the hope of our children I pray it’s not late


We choose their fate



Ray Martell © 1/9/2003