
"All of us who are concerned about the complete development and well-being of others, and about the future of the society and world in which we live, can do more than just lament the flaws in character formation that we see so commonly manifest these days. We can commit ourselves to seizing every possible opportunity to strengthen, by our deliberate choices, our own sense of moral integrity, and we can influence constructively the growth of others, not only by our example but by encouraging, challenging, praising, and rewarding them, until the habits or virtues associated with moral maturity are firmly rooted in the depths of their being.

 If we don’t act to improve the situation, who will? It’s a developmental endeavor that God is hardly going to refrain from supporting with the kind of needed assistance that only God can give."






May your integrity shine like the dawn.
Psalm 37:6


If you're to be a successful leader you must have integrity.

Integrity as we know it today, stands for soundness of moral principle and character—uprightness—honesty. Yet there is more. Integrity is also an ideal…a goal to strive for…and for a man or woman to "walk in their integrity" is to require constant discipline and usage.
The biblical book of practical ethics, better known as the book of Proverbs, sums it up very nicely: "The integrity of the upright guides them: but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity" (Pr 11:3).
Integrity demands that there be no twilight zone-- something is either right or it is wrong; black or it is white. Principles may be inborn ethics or, sometimes, mandated. But integrity requires scourging moral courage, magnetized by a fervor for an ideal. The complete person is a union of unswerving integrity, pulsating energy, and rugged determination--and the greatest of these is integrity. One man with integrity is a majority.
Making the right ethical choices must become a habit. Decisions cannot be situational, based on other's actions or dependent upon whom is watching.


Cowardliness in character, manifested by a lack of integrity, or honor, will sooner or later manifest itself as cowardliness in other forms. People who have the courage to face up to the ethical challenges in their daily lives, to remain faithful to sacred oaths, have a reservoir of strength from which to draw upon in times of great stress—in the heat of battle."
