Challis of Gold


I've presented to you a challis of gold

 The treasures of life is what it holds  


I see you’ve made changes of honesty and trust

You've exchanged it for want, deception and lust


I’ve spotted you lately not looking to my eye

The grounds of love is the source of the why


  Your sins were forgiven to start  a new day

asking for  love  is for what you did pray


  did you cherish and make special and care for with love

Or did you taunt and laugh at this gift from above


  Did I present to you one that looked eye to eye

were your schemes uncovered your deceitful lies  


  I’ve watched you hide in the darkness of night  

Tossing and turning until the mornings light


  I've studied you sitting in the depths of despair

thinking how life has treated you unfair


Blessing don’t come easy in this day of unrest

Playing games with your life is a dangerous test


When you gaze back upon this challis of gold

remember my gift when your soul feels the cold


Copyright© Cindy Bennett 1/22/02