
Brave Heart


Deep crimson red sleeping on time

 charmed by a touch the  burn of red wine


Passions that churn twisting a dream

Igniting a spark the opening scheme


Fearless and valiant the arena is set

Destroying his demons and waging this bet


His Eyes  reflect and rest on sublime

Brave hearts desires submitting to time


Scarlet is the color that dwells in the dark

A trellis of emotions renewing a heart


This moment in time I yearn to clutch

Soft and enchanting cool to the touch


An opening hunger the gateway to grace

Glorious the sensation that lives in this space


  A Massing envision deep and inclined

 With Blushes of red that cascade the mind 


Resolve this conflict that lives within

This wage of a heart a release of sin


Meet me by the ocean the rolling sea

Drink of my heart set yourself free


Standing before me your soul undressed

Your head  in my hands pulled to my breast


A gasp of air escapes with a sigh

The proof of life a wondrous high


A passion unleashed surging ahead

A brave hearts desire unfolding in red


Breath of your breath admitting to one

The brave and the beautiful this battles won




Copyright ©Cindy Bennett 1/5/02








