Fall From Grace


  Labels and descriptions thrown as we see fit

Knowing the thought and attention  it'll get


People nod knowingly as they listen to the story

Who knows the purpose of your seeking glory


doubt and confusion is the hunt of your splendor

Blind as you sink to the picture you’ve rendered


justifying our actions for our personal climb

While accounting the legend of this paradigm


remarks and labels we claim don’t offend

The damage is done a soul on the mend


We think we are so kind and honest in our measure

IS Seeking to destroy the quest of your pleasure


the gentle and the meek shall inherit the earth

One foot on the humble while you claw for rebirth


Do we hide behind labels so they won’t see

masking ourselves in our quest to be free


Are we in charge of the brands put to place

Are the words that spur from our mouths said with grace


Take heed of  attention you seek in your aim

words thrown about for your personal gain


consider the payoff as you speak my friend

It just might be you that’s created your end


© Copyright Cindy Bennett 11/25/01