I am a
retired local Nurseryman who loves Plants, Bonsai, Suiseki, Rock
landscaping and tree pruning. I will strive to provide
links to rock hounding and articles that involve the Olympic Peninsula
of WA. State. The contents of this website are solely mine
and sometimes involve a lot of humor
I welcome your comments, input and
story contributions. The Sweet Geodes Link leads to another passion of
mine, rock collecting.
It's early spring and by all
that's equinoxial, I've finally uprooted myself from my wet dormant
garden plot to report to my yearly physical tasks. My rocks have been
well cared for and now it's time for the plants.
Thank you for visiting.
We can only scratch the surface of all the world
be it in relationships or in the other things we love.
Some scratch harder and more often than others.
And I have always remembered thanking a 'master' for his enlightenment.
He responded, grinning "It's not enlightenment if it is not confusing."
I would like to invite you to my gardening and rock hobby pages at: